"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on."
--Theodore Roosevelt

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Oh Hey, 2011

Well the New Year kind of snuck up on me there which is why this post is coming a few days late.  I guess I will be a little cliche and join the masses of bloggers out there and write a post reflecting on "how far I've come" in 2010 and what I'm looking forward to in 2011.  So let's see...what is there to note in my life from the beginning of the new decade?
  • I spent my first full year in the working world (and haven't been fired)
  • I finally ditched my flip phone from 2006 (yes, it did have an antenna) and joined the present with a smart phone
  • I ran my first race (a 4 miler in Central Park in April) followed by three more including my first half marathon
  • Left the country twice (UK & Ireland in March; Bermuda in May)
  • Learned to love sushi
  • Saw Tom Petty and Crosby, Stills, and Nash in Saratoga, NY
  • Went to three Beer Festivals and two (official) pub crawls
  • Was completely surprised at my first surprise party
  • Had three different jobs over the course of the year (which will happen in 2011 as well now that I think about it)
  • Went skydiving (lived through it and didn't pee my pants before, during, or after)
  • Went camping and white water rafting for the first time
  • Joined a broomball and dodgeball league and managed not to injury myself too badly

    So what's in store for 2011?
    • I will run the Boston Marathon (obviously but it had to be said)
    • I will run 500 miles (9 down as of today)
    • I will finished up my third and fourth rotation and graduate from my finance rotational program at work
    • I will find a full-time job and may have to move out-of-state to do so.
    • I will complete in my first triathlon.
    • I want to hike a mountain or go outdoor rock climbing or both
    • This is the most important one which seems to be an ongoing goal: I will cut the drama and bullshit out of my life.   I don't have the time or energy for it anymore.
    I won't call these "resolutions."  Most of these items have been on my list for awhile now and I don't like having one date to set goals.  If you attach some kind of fake importance to a date chances are if you start to fail you just wait for the next artificially momentous date until you try again.  If you want to do something, just go out and do it.  No excuses or procrastination (this isn't college anymore people).  So this is just a list of things I want to do soon to keep me focused on what's important to me.  If I achieve them great, if not I'll keep trying until they're off my bucket list.  Three days down, 362 to go.  Bring it 2011!

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